
Showing posts from January, 2020


Anger has this bad rap as a bad emotion. Newsflash - Emotions are not bad - They are signals to us about what we need.  What can be negative is the way that we respond to anger. So many people are used to anger being used as a weapon. Anger can be a trigger for some, to past unresolved trauma, which is stuck inside the body and leads to a negative reaction. These triggers are ours to heal. Anger is not a bad thing; it is a tool. Anger can be productive. It can help us take action when we need to make a change. It can be used to create movement, where we have been stagnant. It is a call to action to get our shit together. When you are angry, allow yourself to feel your anger. You won't feel this way forever. You won't be trapped by the feeling. Sometimes emotions are overwhelming and it feels like forever. But emotions are waves, they ebb and they flow. There are so many things to be angry about. There is injustice in abundance throughout the world. Hurt peop