
Showing posts from March, 2020

Recent Events

Everything going on has me thinking. There is the COVID-19 virus that has turned into a pandemic. Swarms of locust have infected Africa and the Middle East. And Utah decided to rumble. It is my belief that what we are seeing is a call to transformation. Humans have been poor stewards over the Earth. We have factory farmed sensitive creatures, raped the oceans of their wildlife, chopped down so many forests, murdered so many species of animals. The planet is crying. Some people have been acting like animals, reacting off their panic, and not stopping to contemplate their actions. The "us versus them" mindset has been magnified, where it is important that my family has all of the toilet paper, groceries, gas, etc. It's too bad if your family has none. Should have beat me to it. There is severe competition. Or, even those who have taken advantage of others' misfortune and proceeded to price gauge to benefit from others suffering. On the other hand, you have seen m