
Showing posts from March, 2024

My intention wasn't to slander. My intention was to see if someone else had experienced the same.

  Last fall I spoke of an assault by a previous partner. I didn’t mean to smear anyone’s name. I posted in the Are We dating the Same Guy group because I wanted to see if anyone else had my experience. I didn't post for a long time because I didn't want to deal with it. I initially posted anonymously. My posts weren't getting noticed so I posted it with my name attached to it.  My posts were deleted without any explanation in this group. I tried posting 3 times. I was soon kicked out of the group because I kept posting about being censored. After my posts were deleted, I started to notice some weird behavior happen around me that made me believe my name had been smeared in an alternative group. The text messages sent from my ex stated that I didn't want a "he said, she said thing."   When it comes down to the facts, I didn’t know if a lack of consent was intentional or not. We both had been drinking. People do things when they’re drinking that they wouldn’t do