Manifest this

 I love the idea of manifesting money.

I follow all these gurus who say just manifest money and get your vibe in alignment. As soon as your in alignment, BOOM, you’ll have everything you want. That’s a super nice ideal, but what about the thousands of migrants who die every year trying to get to the United States? Or the single mother busting ass to make a dime to support her family. Is she not vibing right, not working hard enough? I love the spiritual community. I follow and engage with it. However, there are some deep inequities that are not addressed. If you are able to manifest to have your needs met, you are PRIVILEGED. There are thousands starving throughout the world. They are so focused on food. There are addicts praying to find a way to get clean, as they slip into another high. It’s great to get your vibration right to manifest money and shit. But that’s a fucking privilege MILLIONS aren’t entitled to. Check your privilege. There are forces at play that are not going to satisfy your manifestations. It isn't to discount the power of attraction or manifestation or whatever. But if manifesting was as easy as getting your thoughts and energies right, the world would be a totally different place. 

So what is the point of my cynical post? Your pile of money is selfish if you are not actively seeking for the justice and comfort of others. You want to make more money? That's great. What are you doing to support your communities and the world? Because the world is a community. We are a global system, impacting each other each day in and out. What are you doing to make this planet better? How are you supporting your community? If you are using your community to support your pocketbook, what are you really offering this world? 

I get it. People deserve to live comfortably. People deserve money and comfort. Manifesting money isn't evil. But what are you doing with it? What is the system that you are using to gain that money? Is it inequitable? The world is calling. We need to do something with this manifesting and this privilege. There are social justice and environmental injustices calling to be heard. It's a nice bubble to live in. But we all need to do more. Especially me. This is me calling me out formally. The world needs us to make a difference with that bank. The world needs our voices. Our planet is being raped. We need to reduce our output. I know that. love my stuff. But we have to reduce consumption. Slaves are being used to produce most of this stuff, in this country or around the world. Their lives are worth more. "Because I have been given much, I too must give." 

So my light friends, use your manifesting for some real good in the world. Money isn't evil, unless you hoard it. The system is set up to serve a few, while millions want. If you have real manifesting powers, use them for the good of all, and not just to serve yourself. Always, in love. 


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