My dream and the allegory for life

I had a dream where I built a model world. In my world, I built a hotel with many rooms. There were showcases of art, dancing clubs, shopping centers, and dining areas, all connected by a long hallway. I arranged the space the way I wanted to. 

After building my world, I became small enough to fit into the hotel. It was my hotel and I could run it the way that I wanted. It was great. But then there was a zombie apocalypse. I was suddenly protecting the hotel with other staff members and annihilating zombies. 

It was like a video game; when I died, I would be reawakened and allowed to come back to protect my space.  The hotel was on the precipice of being lost. However, I was able to corral the troops and we started to take it back. As we begun to triumph, we played music and the zombies started dancing, not as coordinated as the music video for Thriller but more like the zombies in the tv show Midnight Gospel. My world found peace after making it through turmoil. 

This dream reminded me of life. I believe that we are the creators of this existence on a spiritual level. We are the universe experiencing itself. We program the game and then we play it. We forget that we are creators when the pain is overwhelming, when we feel like we are at a loss. We can be reincarnated in the fight against the darkness. The darkness is part of our return to the light and to knowledge. This life is about learning to find happiness despite the battle and serving others to deepen our understanding of love. When life seems overwhelming, remember there is always a pathway back to joy. 


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