#MeToo: This conversation hasn't ended.

Last night, a stranger sent me these messages. I am not in an exclusive relationship, but that is generally an easy deterrent when dealing with men.

I do not understand why men think it is okay to treat women this way. It makes me feel unsafe. This is an unsafe feeling that I have had for a long time. There are things that I don't remember all of the details. But I am going to tell you what I do remember.

I don't like to attract unwanted attention. It is one of the reasons that I am comfortable carrying a little extra weight. It is the reason I don't do myself up a lot. It is one reason that I enjoy kickboxing. I purposefully post a lot of other pictures on social media that aren't of me done up, because I don't want to be seen in a sexual object way. It is a reason I don't call too much attention to myself. I have had too many experiences where I have been treated like an object.

In high school, I used to always do my makeup. There was a boy who had a crush on me. He would come and try to give me back massages. Then one day, he tried to stick his hands down the front of my shirt, right there in class. I stopped doing my makeup every day. I didn't want to be treated like an object. I wanted to be valued for my brain.


I have been raped. It was by someone I was dating. I was trying to break up with him. He said he wanted to talk in the middle of the night, after we had gotten into a fight. I told him that I didn't want to have sex but I would come over so we could talk. When I got there, we got into his room, he pulled off my clothes, pushed me down on the bed, and laid on top of me. It seemed to happen so quickly. I am sure it was because I was frozen. I felt my soul whimper because I knew that I didn't have a choice. So I enjoyed it. Because I wasn't going to be raped. But when we were done, I got up and left. He was shocked that I was leaving, thinking that sex was going to solve the problem. I told him that I didn't want to have sex. I saw him a few times after that. He still tried to have sex with me, but I wouldn't put myself in that situation again. He has tried to talk to me since then through online platforms. I just don't respond to him. I don't understand how he doesn't get it.

Treating people like objects isn't okay. Consent needs to be talked about. The topic of consent is hot. We can't stop talking about it. Because obviously people are still not getting it. If she says no, if she says she has a boyfriend, if she says she is a lesbian, if she says she doesn't want to bang, LEAVE HER THE FUCK ALONE.


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