I was told by a white, older man that I am difficult to manage

 He began by telling me that people like me are like a double edged sword. That I am ambitious and driven. On the other hand, I am difficult to manage. 

Hot damn. Would he say that to man? He just told me to stay in my lane. Be great, but not too great. 

I am ambitious. Maybe that makes me difficult to manage. I say what I think. I can be a bit abrupt. I have worked on being more gentle and conveying my positive intent. I am not mean. I do not have a negative intention. I appreciate direct communication and cutting through the bullshit. 

I am a kind leader. I seek to be inclusive, asking for feedback, seeking to not step on others' toes. The patriarchy is a system that is built on aggression and hierarchy. I don't play well within hierarchies because it generally is based on do what I say because I say it, and not because it is the best idea. 

I have decided to not stay in my lane. As I have been stepping into my personal power, I have been finding my voice. People are not going to like it. I am going to get lash back. The more confidence and security I build within myself, I gain some haters. It's cool. I am going to keep doing me. *Muaw* 


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