
I have found this deep well of sadness. 

Dr Wayne dyer said when you squeeze an orange, you get orange juice. You can’t squeeze a happy person and get anger. You can’t squeeze an angry person and get joy. I have been going to my depths and there is a lot of sadness. I have been moving through my anger through kickboxing and therapy. And what I have been left with is a lot of sadness. I feel a lot of empathy for people. As I was speeding on the freeway, I zoomed around an older gentleman, all pissed off that he was driving so slow.  And then as I passed him, I saw him, an entire being, full of hopes and dreams, sorrows and failures just like myself. And I had a wave of empathy come over me. It is a painful way to live. 

It is easy to see people who think differently as the enemy. It is easy to demonize them. But you know what? They are the same as me. Humans are an advanced form of animal, fighting for survival. The group who has power is the same as the group that is not in power. Everyone is seeking power to exist. The group with lesser power is seeking equality. The group with more power is seeking to keep power and any detraction to that is seen as a diminishment of power. Everyone is fighting for their survival. 

Animalistic survival thinking teaches us that we must fight members of different groups or even the same group for survival. I see it in all people, even myself, as much as I hate to admit this. We are animals that are aware of ourselves. We elevate ourselves in our beliefs, thinking that we are better than the other. We believe that we are more  kind or more just, while judging the other as different. 

Sociology teaches us that different groups vie for power.  I can see it in the small interactions. People competing for attention, power, sex, money, etc. it is a rat race and we are all participating. It is not equitable. It is not just. 

I strive for equality. I strive for justice. Human perspective is limited. We thrive on the negative. Our brains disposition us to see the negative to protect us from extinction. And thus we war with each other and anyone that would threaten our wellbeing, our existence, our power. 

Until we realize that we as a collaboration can accomplish more than an individual, we will continually diminish the prosperity of our species. Until we can really see the group dynamics that are reinforcing our wars, we will wage on in the name of our groups existence. We are all human. We all deserve equity. We all deserve existence. And let us do so responsibly. Let us care for this planet that we temporarily reside on. Until the sun implodes into a red giant, and life as we know it will change. 


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